Parent Survey Results - October 2022
In Oct 2022, we conducted a questionnaire and wish to thank all those parents who took the time to complete and return their survey. We received 103 responses.
We are delighted with the overwhelmingly positive and encouraging comments which we have shared with governors. Our staff work very hard to ensure that your child has the best start to their lives. It makes it all the more satisfying when it is recognised by parents and carers. Thank you very much.
92% of our parents would recommend our school to another parent.
We have taken your constructive feedback on board and will act upon it. Hopefully, you will see the evidence of it as the academic year progresses.
Some of you have said that you would like us to offer more clubs. This continues to be work in progress for us as we need to strike a balance between staffing and club numbers.
Some of our new parents, especially in Reception, felt that they needed more time with the school for more accurate feedback. We will re-administer the questionnaire to those parents later in the year.
Sometimes when parents have a concern, they are unsure who to talk to. The class teacher is always the person to see about teaching and learning, behaviour or other needs. This will help us to sort out any concerns quickly and effectively. If the concern cannot be resolved at this stage, the class teacher will escalate it to Mrs Westbury (for KS2), Miss Winnett (for Rec/KS1) Miss Spedding (SEND related) or, in some instances, to myself. We will then make an appointment with you to see us. I am also available at the gates on most days. I hope this helps.
There is always room for improvement and I hope that you will let us know if you have any suggestions or constructive feedback on any aspect of school life at any time during the year.
Here are the highlights from the results:
- 99% of you feel your child is happy at school
- 97% of you feel that your child is safe at school
- 95% of you feel that your child does well at school
The full results:

Parent Comments Oct 2022
- Lovely school. All of the amazing teachers are here to help my daughter to reach her highest possible expectations and goals. Thank you.
- Lovely school – welcoming environment. Would love to see more outdoor/playground equipment/activities.
- Am happy that my kids are happy in this school. Teachers and staff all of them are very nice and cooperative.
- Children would benefit from more after school opportunities such as gardening club, cooking clubs. The children would in my opinion benefit from more homework.
- Lovely school and staff. Keep up the good work!
- I hope my child keeps up with the hard work and thank you to the YR5/6 teachers.
- Great school and lovely teaching staff, always happy I feel confident leaving my child here.
- My child has transitioned smoothly into reception by help of the staff making him feel comfortable.
- I am very happy with my child because she is doing really well and also very big thank you to all Lydgate staff they are doing really well with all children. I always recommend to everyone this school.
- Keep up the good work Lydgate!
- My child has SEND and school have always been supportive in any way they can.
- Thank you for all your support.
- We feel so happy with the way our child has integrated himself into school life.
- Always wonderful feedback in regards to her day at school, great work and effort all round!
- Thank you for all the help and support.
- An amazing school where my child is supported and expectations allow him to succeed. Thank you.
- Very happy with my sons work at school and the help he gets.
- My child has not been at the school long enough for me to answer the questions accurately or reliably, but for the small time she has been attending Lydgate, we are satisfied and happy with the correspondence the school has had with us. The homework is regular and we are informed with the learning taking place during the term.
- My children enjoy coming to school and look forward to it.
- I feel Lydgate is the best school for my child.
- Daughter has settled in very nicely. Very impressed with the phonics program and how quick she is picking things up. Thank you.
- My child has only just started school and it has only been a half term therefore I am unsure of a lot of the statements made above. I am sure as time goes on I will be able to provide more feedback!
- A very good school, very informative, respectful and friendly.
- Keep it up Lydgate!