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'Leaders place reading at the heart of the curriculum.' Ofsted 2019

Reading consists of two dimensions: language comprehension and word reading. Language comprehension (necessary for both reading and writing) starts from birth. It only develops when adults talk with children about the world around them and the books (stories and non-fiction) they read with them, and enjoy rhymes, poems and songs together. Skilled word reading, taught later, involves both the speedy working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words. 
Early reading skills are incredibly important and this is where Reception and parents and carers play a vital role in setting a postive tone and a sense of enjoyment in the art of reading.  If our children are to develop a life-long love of reading, this will continue throughout their life. As part of the EYFS (Early Years Framework) Reception children focus on the ELG (Early Learning Goal) 'Communication and Language'.  Here the focus is initially on developing oral language through back and forth exchanges with teachers and their peers.  Through this they then develop an understanding of words (language comprehension) which they will use to support their reading comprehension.  Reading and language comprehension is taught through stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems.
ELG: Comprehension Children at the expected level of development will:
- Demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary;
- Anticipate – where appropriate – key events in stories;
- Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play.
ELG: Word Reading Children at the expected level of development will:
- Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at least 10 digraphs;
- Read words consistent with their phonic knowledge by sound-blending;
- Read aloud simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonic knowledge, including some common exception words.
Reading Skills
Reception & Year 1 follow the Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Scheme which incorporates daily reading linked with their Phonics.
Key Stage 1 - 60 minutes a week
Key Stage 2 - 90 minutes a week
Our children have timetabled reading skill sessions where they are taught about how we read for understanding.  Each lesson has a key reading focused based on the National Curriculum domains and questions are then linked to this through high quality modelling from adults. During lessons children are given the opportunity to explore the questions, learn how we can locate and use the text in order to undertsand and then answer. 
Take a look at our Pleasure for Reading texts:
Cycle 1 Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Cycle 2 Keys Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Book Banding
All children have an individual reading book which they are expect to read at home every day (Key stage 1 children will also have a Phonics reading book). These books are to develop their confidence and fluency.  For children who are fluent in reading are expected to continue reading as this exposes them to range of text types and genres that develop their vocabulary as well as enabling them to explore the world in different ways and enrich their understanding.
Books are allocated through a banding system of colours from Reception to Year 6
Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is a reading programme which quizzes children on the books they have read in order to recommend new books appropriate to their ability and reading age. This is used from Year 2 upwards with books from a variety of genres across fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

Each half term children will be given a STAR assessment where the progress of their reading is assessed and new targets and reading levels are set. This is shared with parents.

These Accelerated Reader books will be taken home as a home reader.

Find access to our Accelerated Reader and quizzes here


What can you do?

Reading with your child

As parents you are your child's most influential teacher with an important part to play in helping your child to learn to read.

Top Tips for Reading at Home

Here are some suggestions on how you can help to make this a positive experience.

1. Choose a quiet time

Set aside a quiet time with no distractions. Ten to fifteen minutes is usually long enough.

2. Make reading enjoyable

Make reading an enjoyable experience. Sit with your child. Try not to pressurise if he or she is reluctant. If your child loses interest then do something else.

3. Maintain the flow

If your child mispronounces a word do not interrupt immediately. Instead allow opportunity for self-correction. It is better to tell a child some unknown words to maintain the flow rather than insisting on trying to build them all up from the sounds of the letters. If your child does try to 'sound out' words, encourage the use of letter sounds rather than 'alphabet names'.

4. Be positive

If your child says something nearly right to start with that is fine. Don't say 'No. That's wrong,' but 'Let's read it together' and point to the words as you say them. Boost your child's confidence with constant praise for even the smallest achievement.

5. Success is the key

Parents anxious for a child to progress can mistakenly give a child a book that is too difficult. This can have the opposite effect to the one they are wanting. Remember 'Nothing succeeds like success'. Until your child has built up his or her confidence, it is better to keep to easier books. Struggling with a book with many unknown words is pointless. Flow is lost, text cannot be understood and children can easily become reluctant readers.

6. Visit the Library

Encourage your child to use the public library regularly.

7. Regular practice

Try to read with your child on most school days. 'Little and often' is best. Teachers have limited time to help your child with reading.

8. Communicate

Your child will most likely have a reading diary from school. Try to communicate regularly with positive comments and any concerns. Your child will then know that you are interested in their progress and that you value reading.

9. Talk about the books

There is more to being a good reader than just being able to read the words accurately. Just as important is being able to understand what has been read. Always talk to your child about the book; about the pictures, the characters, how they think the story will end, their favourite part. You will then be able to see how well they have understood and you will help them to develop good comprehension skills.

10. Variety is important

Remember children need to experience a variety of reading materials eg. picture books, hard backs, comics, magazines, poems, and information books.






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