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Humanities is timetabled weekly and history is taught usually three half terms a year by the class teacher. In every lesson, the sequence of lessons is established, prior knowledge recapped and key vocabulary shared. The key knowledge and skills for the lessons are identified in the planning and progression established.

The history units are well resourced and where possible, relevant artefacts are procured for the units.

Assembly - We use whole school assembly opportunities to discuss history related topics including information on countries and landmarks. We mark Remembrance Day and Martin Luther King Day every year.

Monitoring - Every year, the subject lead conducts a work scrutiny to ensure parity and progression. Regular pupil interviews are conducted to evaluate learning against intent.  The subject lead also observes a sample of lessons through school. Through the monitoring process, next steps are identified and shared in staff meetings. Examples of work across school are collected by the subject lead in order to support with modelling and have evidence to show progression.


At the end of every unit, staff assess the children for the unit covered and the data updated every half term onto a tracker. This is accessible to all staff including the Subject Lead. In KS1, assessment of the unit is done in groups while in KS2, end of unit quizzes are administered and learning assessed. Quizzes for SEND children are appropriately differentiated.

Lessons show a clear progression of skills and knowledge as laid out in the progression document.

Pupil interviews show that the children are able to remember their learning and use subject specific vocabulary. Pupils are usually picked by the subject lead based on the assessment tracker.

Lesson observations show that staff are confident in delivering the curriculum and next steps actioned.

Children understand how historians use their skills to find out more about our past to better understand our present.

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