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Welcome to Reception

We are delighted to have your child at Lydgate and this half term is all about getting to know them, their likes, dislikes, learning styles and how best to interact with them to get the most out of them.  We focus on settling them in and helping them to be safe, comfortable and happy in our setting.

As a school we follow Little Wandle Letters & Sounds phonics programme.

Autumn 1 half term overview

Autumn 2 half term overview


We will send homework every week.  We alternate between Maths, English and Topic. Homework relates to what has been taught in school during the week.  Please work with your child to complete homework, but resist doing it for them.  Homework is there for the child to complete and therefore learn new skills or secure their learning.

PE lessons are on a Monday

Snack money will be collected every half term (£2) from each child.  This enables us to buy them not only biscuits for snack time and treats for golden time, but also helps to provide materials for cooking, play dough and other things to help with their learning.


Please feel free to come and see us straight after school if you have any queries.

 Mrs Corcoran and Mrs Ferdinand.

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