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PE at Lydgate

At Lydgate, PE is a key priority for our children to ensure exercise, healthy lifestyle and positive mental wellbeing. We want our children to have a love for sports and exercise to give them long-term skills and a positive attitude which will impact them throughout their lives.

We use our Sports Premium Funding to raise the profile of and provide teaching staff with skills and knowledge to deliver the PE National Curriculum.

We also use the funding to replenish our sports equipment and to participate in competitions with other schools in our Local Authority. In 2022- 2023 we were awarded Gold for the School Games and we hope to keep this up. We have used part of our Sports Premium Funding to buy some new outdoor gym equipment for children to use during breaktimes and lunchtimes.

In school, we encourage daily exercise by participating in The Daily Mile. Each class is encouraged to run, walk or exercise to the equivalent of a mile at a time in the day which works for the children and the class teacher. This encourages positive attitudes to exercising and healthy mental wellbeing which aids children’s learning in other subjects.

In Early Years children begin PE lessons in Autumn term and focus on how to be safe and negotiate space taking into consideration themselves and their peers. They then develop their strength, balance and coordination in gymnastics and apply these skills during PE lessons, playtimes and continuous provision. Children are encouraged to run, jump, hop, skip and climb in PE lessons during warm ups and units such as, athletics and team games. They are also given time in continuous provision and playtimes to apply the skills they have learnt. As they move through KS1 these skills will be built on to create confident and healthy individuals who have a positive attitude to physical activities and sports.

We use the GetSet4PE scheme https://getset4education.co.uk/ and each class has 2 P.E sessions a week.

As a family, you can access some active games to play at home through the home learning icon and then the active family tab.

Progression of Skills

Long Term Plan

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