Our Vision for Maths
At Lydgate, our vision is for our children to leave us as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians. Our children understand that mathematics is a fundamental part of everyday life and become functioning adults in society.
We follow the National Curriculum for maths and we use White Rose Maths to deliver the maths objectives in each year group.
Pupils are exposed to fluency through the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach so that pupils understand maths concepts fully.
Pupils are exposed to a wide range of models, visual manipulatives and practical resources to develop and deepen conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency. This in turn, builds the foundation for enabling pupils to understand and apply skills taught in problem solving and reasoning contexts. Our aim is to develop pupils’ deeper understanding, confidence and competence in Maths.
At Lydgate, we recognise the importance of establishing a secure foundation in mental calculation and recall of number facts before standard written methods are introduced.
The children will be formally assessed three times a year using the White Rose end of term assessment to monitor progress and this progress will be discussed during Pupil Progress Meetings. Past SATs papers are used for Y2 (when appropriate) and Y6.
Each week, pupils will undertake an Arithmetic Test to improve their mental recall skills; again progress will be monitored.
Maths - Scheme of Work
We currently use the White Rose Maths small steps schemes of work for Key Stage 1 & 2. Teachers may adapt the order if opportunities for cross-curricular links are appropriate. The progression document is also available here:
Below are a number of websites that children can access to practise their maths skills at home.
Calculation Policy
Links to Year group curriculum details:
Links to -
Early Years and Foundation Stage
At Lydgate, we believe in ‘active learning’ and use a variety of practical and ‘hands on’ activities to help our children secure their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts. We are passionate about children learning and using mathematical vocabulary, so that they are able to describe, explain and give reasons when talking about mathematics.
We ensure the provision, both indoors and outdoors, is full of mathematical opportunities and has exciting things for children to explore, sort, compare, count, calculate and describe. We want them to be independent learners as well as confident, creative, critical thinkers who can solve problems and show real tenacity and determination using maths in every day situations.
There are two parts to Mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Children are targeted to achieve the Early Learning Goal by the end of the academic year, as this best prepares them for Year 1. The two parts of the Curriculum are ‘Number’ and ‘Shape, Space and Measures’.
Early Learning Goal – “Count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing."
Shape, Space and Measures
Early Learning Goal - "Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them."