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Welcome to Year 2!

Year 2 follow the Little Wandle Phonics Programme.

Spring Overview

Autumn 1 half term overview

Autumn 2 half term overview




  • PE is on Monday and Thursday each week. Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit on thoese days so tehy cna fuly join in with all our lessons. Children need black shorts, leggings or jogging tousers and a plain white t-shirt. All children should have well-fitting pumps in school. Children can wear their normal school jumper or cardigan over their PE kits. Please remove earrings on the days when your child has PE.
  • Homework and spellings will be sent home on Fridays and need to be returned by the following Thursday. Children will receive 3 Dojos if they return their completed homework by Wednesday. Children will be tested on their spellings each Friday.
  • Homework project letters are sent home each half term. Your project can be anything! Perhaps you could make a model, a poster or even share some writing or research.
  • Please try to support your child with their reading at home at least 4 times a week, and make a short note about their progress in their Reading Record. Children will receive Dojos and rewards in class whenever they read at home. Children will continue to bring home a Library book each week. This book is to read with you as they may not be able to access it on their own.


If you have any questions please feel free to come and talk to us at the classroom door before or after school or send a message on Class Dojo.


Miss Winnett, Mrs Matwadia and Mrs Kadir

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