At Lydgate we believe children should be safe, inspired and confident when online.
Computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures. We want to provide all of our children with the skills, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive safely in the digital world.
Children will use ICT equipment from Reception where they will take their own photographs and use tablet devices and laptops to paint pictures, select and move images and begin to find/type some letters. In KS1 and KS2, Children will be taught key skills in programming and algorithms using a range of equipment and software. We will also focus on understanding computers and using them to process data. Children will also have an opportunity to apply their skills in other subject areas, using a range of devices.
Online safety will be a priority at Lydgate and children will learn how to use devices safely and responsibly. This will begin in Reception where children are taught to log onto our virtual environment using a pictorial password. Online safety will be integrated with the Computing curriculum as detailed below. In addition to this, we will also focus on elements of online safety in our PSHE lessons, such as online relationships, healths & well-being and self-image.
Our curriculum uses Purple Mash which is a fantastic resource that enables children to apply their learning and skills to other curriculum areas and also allows children to access their work at home. Below are details of the yearly overview and progression of skills for each year group.
Computing curriculum overview:
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