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Breakfast Club

Mrs Purdy and Mrs Allen run our very popular Breakfast Club. It is open each school day from 8.00am. We serve a range of food including hot food on occasions. We charge £1.50 a day.

Please contact the office on 01924 476218 to enquire about a Breakfast Club place. 
The children enjoy playing games and  there are many craft activities.
Website-news & events-breakfast club replace photo of snowman

Some of our craft work:

easter crowns b clubowls
website - news & events -Breakfast club - Replace 2nd photo Breakfast club crafts(1)Breakfast club photo(8)BC1BC2

Look what we made at Breakfast Club

Breakfast club photo(1)

We have been busy making hats


Look what we made at Breakfast Club for the Community display in Batley

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World Book Day at Breakfast Club-1
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