Staff Health and Wellbeing
The wellbeing of all our staff is extremely important and we value the role they play in our school.
This page has links to support and advice for physical and mental health wellbeing, as and when it maybe be needed.
Lydgate works closely with Kirklees Employee Healthcare to support staff who may need additonal support, for whatever reason.
Kirklees Employee Healthcare
A multi-disciplinary team of qualified and experienced practitioners including Occupational Health Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Counsellors, Work Based Assessors, Physiotherapists and Lifestyle and Well-being Advisors.
Some services they offer are:
- Telephone support from qualified/trained professionals, including advice on how to use occupational health services to maintain a healthy workforce.
- Access to emotional well-being support such as counselling and self-help interventions.
- Support with pension scheme applications.
- Mini health MOTS
- Wellbeing events – planning, support and provision of relevant practitioner(s) for employee well-being events.
- Provision of 24-hour telephone counselling via an “Employee Assistance” programme.
- Vaccination and immunisation programmes in relation to occupational risk and to support government Health Protection Agency initiatives (for example Hepatitis A, B, seasonal flu).
- Physiotherapy assessment and advice in relation to muscular-skeletal health conditions impacting at work, including advice on workplace adjustments and rehabilitation.
Staff can self refer using the following link...Kirklees Employee Healthcare
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Here are some additional resources that can also really help. Please click on the picture link to access the resources.
Please click on the picture link to access the resources.