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See below our SATs parents information slides about the tests in 2025.

SATs presentation


SAT's test for Year 6 pupils will take place between Monday 12th May 2025 - Thursday 15th May 2025

Below you will find resources to help you practise with your child, links to usefull websites and a selection of past papers.

The video clip on the left was provided by the Department of Education for the 2018 assessments but still contains some useful information. As and when an updated version becomes available, we will share on this page.

As in previous years we will be providing a free breakfast club for Year 6 pupils during the week of SAT's. This will allow children to have something to eat with their friends and ensure they are on time, and ready for the day ahead.

Please speak to Mrs Westbury, Mrs Patel & Mrs Davis if you have any questions about the Year 6 SATs tests 



TimesTables Rockstars is a great resource to learn times tables. This will really help your children in ALL the work they do in Maths. 

All children have a personal login and password. If your child need these resetting please let us know

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