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Year 6

In our class there will be Mrs Patel & Mrs Makda 

Our Spring Term Curriculum

Autumn 1 half term overview

Autumn 2 half term overview

Spring 1 half term overview

How can you help me?

  • Can you help me by practicing counting in multiples of 10, 6, 7, 9 and 25;
  • Can you challenge me by asking me to round different numbers;
  • Ask me about what vocabulary I learnt today which I can use within a sentence correctly;
  • Practice my spelling and timetables with me.
  • Practice my arithmetic and correct inccorrect questions weekly.
  • Read every day. If I cannot read, I cannot understand and therefore I cannot progress in my learning. Reading is the key to success


  • PE -  Tuesday and Friday. PE Kits please!
  • Pumps everyday
  • Homework goes out on a Friday to be back on the following Thursday.
  • Don't forget to keep checking Class dojo’s
  • Read atleast 20 minutes a day.


Year 6 team.

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