Our Spring Term Curriculum:
Please help by:
- Reading and communicating using Dojo. Please use the following link to connect to our class: https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CWJJLDS
- Practise counting in multiples of 10, 6, 7, 9 and 25 with your child;
- Challenge your child by asking to round a variety of numbers;
- Ask your child what vocabulary they learnt each day and challenge to use in a sentence correctly;
- Practise spellings (you'll find an up to date list on our DB Primary class page) and timetables;
- Read with your child or listen to them read everyday.
- PE Tuesday and Thursdays. Please ensure you child has a correct PE Kit;
- Pumps everyday;
- Homework goes out on a Friday to be back by Thursday;
Mr Miller & Mrs Mira