Year 5/6
In our class there will be Mrs Westbury, Mrs Davis & Mrs Lunat
Our Spring Term Curriculum
How can you help me?
- Can you help me by practicing counting in multiples of 10, 6, 7, 9 15 and 25;
- Can you challenge me by asking me to round different numbers; tell you fractions, decimal and percentage equivalents;
- Ask me about what vocabulary I learnt today which I can use within a sentence correctly;
- Practice my spelling and times and division tables with me.
- Read every day. If I cannot read, I cannot understand and therefore I cannot progress in my learning. Reading is the key to success
- PE every Tuesday afternoon & Friday morning.
All children to come to school in their PE Kits on these days please! Trainers for outdoor PE
- Reading books and reading records must be brought into school everyday
- Swimming for Year 5 children will start on in February.
- Pumps must be worn everyday inside school.
- Homework goes out on a Thursday to be back on a Wednesday
- Don't forget to keep checking Class dojo’s. Join us here:
Year 5/6 team.
We have so much fun in our learning!
Tweets by LydgateY5WD