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Religious Education at Lydgate


Lydgate is a diverse and inclusive school, and the children here learn about the beliefs and customs of many different faiths.

We follow the Kirklees RE Agreed Syllabus which can be found here.

More details of the teaching programme here at Lydgate can be found below.

Key Stage 2 RE Coverage

R.E. covers two key strands - Beliefs and Teachings; Practices and Ways of Life.

Lower key stage 2 (Year 3, Year 3/4 and Year 4) work on a 2 year cycle. Year 5 and Year 5/6 have started a 2 year cycle this year. Year 6 will join this next year.


Key Stage 1 and EYFS RE Coverage


In Key Stage 1 we follow a two year rolling programme, all classes follow Year A, the following year we follow Year B.  In the Early Years Foundation Stage we follow a one year plan.  This plan is based on the Kirklees agreed syllabus.

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